A journey of growth
A journey of growth
My name is Lna, I am 27 years old and I am an artist and healthcare clown from Jordan.
My beautiful journey started when I was working for the Children’s Museum in Amman and heard about a clowns’ audition for RED NOSES, and decided to go.
After I joined the clowns team and had the required introduction and trainings to become a professional healthcare clown, it was the time for my first visit to a hospital, which was very exciting! I still remember the attention I received from the little children, the feeling of big responsibility to make them feel better; to simply tell them that everything will be fine, to say: "I am here for you".
My journey with RED NOSES had so far successful moments, happy times, but also some sad days I faced due to losing children I am used to see during my visits. One of the hardest moments that I cannot forget is the loss of Waleed, a 4-year-old patient who used to wait for us by the door every week around the time of our visit to the hospital. Whenever Waleed saw us approaching, he would run and wear the foam red nose we gave him. As soon as we reached his room, he would ask us to sing his favourite song. When we were done, he would then sing it again himself and imitate us. Sadly, Waleed had to say goodbye to us. However, everytime I remember this amazing little boy, I think of the important work we are doing in hospitals and I am aware of the huge difference that our visits make to hospitalised children.