TYPO3 CMS, Support, Backend-Development, Frontent-Development
Media Owner
RED NOSES Jordan is a branch office of:
RED NOSES Clowndoctors International
Non-profit private foundation
Wattgasse 48
A-1170 Vienna
T: +43 1 318 03 13-66
F: +43 1 318 03 13-20
E: smile[at]rednoses.org
W: www.rednoses.org
Founder and CEO: Monica Culen
Founder and Artistic Director: Giora Seeliger
Founder and CFO: Dr. Franz Haimerl
Headquarters' Registered Office: Vienna/Austria
Business Number: FN 233747x
Local Court/Court of Jurisdiction: Vienna/Austria
Copyright © 2020. Unless stated otherwise, all rights reserved by RED NOSES International.
This website provides general information only and does not intend to render legal or any other professional advice. We exclude any liability for the contents of websites which can be accessed by links displayed on this website and the ones providing links to this website.