RED NOSES Palestine started to work with children in rehabilitation centre
During the year of 2017, RED NOSES Palestine reached many of its ambitious goals. More Healthcare Clowns joined our team, several international workshops and training opportunities took place to provide professional eduction for the clowns.
Moreover, new programmes were developed to reach out even more people in need of joy and laughter. The Austrian Development Agency, the operational unit of Austrian Development Co-operation, kindly supports the programmes of RED NOSES Palestine.
It was a milestone for our Healthcare Clowns to be present at The Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre for children with disabilities and children undergoing rehabilitation in October 2017. With this new step, RNPS is recognizing the need to address the emotional needs of children with disabilities that form a valuable part of the Palestinian community. When the clowns started the new visits to Princess Basma Centre, it didn’t take long for them to notice the difference their interventions made. In 2017 our clowndoctors visited the Princess Basma Centre 12 times, providing psychosocial support and emotional relief to children undergoing rehabilitation.